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Eleni - one of the most famous polish singers who was born in 1956 in Bielawa in Lower Silesia.


 She comes from a musical family so that she had contact with music in her childhood.

 She already participated in cultural life as a soloist of music team “Ballada” in high school.

​ Once she graduated from high school in 1975 she joined the professional band “Prometheus” operating at The Baltic Artistic Agency BART in Sopot.

​As a soloist she toured, made radio recordings and participated in many TV shows simultaneously. She recorded her first record titled “Po słonecznej stronie życia” ("On the sunny side of life) with the Greek band “Prometheus” in 1977.

She released her first solo album “Ty - jak niebo, ja - jak obłok” ("You like sky me like a cloud") that became a great success in 1980. The album was later recorded in English version by the title “Lovers” in 1982.

She has recorded more than 20 albums sold in million copies as many as eight certified “Gold record” and two “Platinum record”

​ She has taken part in “Polish National Song Festival Opole” many times. She has participated in “Soviet Song Contest” in Zielona Góra and “Good News Festival” in Czestochowa.

Apart from performing on the most important stages in Poland she has also performed in many European countries as well as in the United States, Canada and Australia

Over the years she has worked with the greatest composers like Kostas Dzokas, Aleksander Białous, Andrzej Ellmann, Krzesimir Dębski, Jarosław Kukulski, Piotr Kałużny, Jerzy Milian i Waldemar Parzyński and the greatest lyricists: Lech Konopiński, Nikos Chadzinikolau, Jacek Bukowski, Andrzej Kuryło, Janusz Kondratowicz, Magda Wojtaszewska or Andrzej Sikorowski.

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foto: Jarosław Florczak

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